viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Some Fan Questions of the Kerrang Issue

  • On Danger Days... You talk about a party at the end of the world... But then what? What happens next?
From: Josi, Brazil

Gerard: "Ha! Good Question. Well, I think the world probably wouldn't end. You've just go to fantasise it ends."

Ray: "It would be embarrasing to have the party at the end of the world, only for the sun to come up the next day."

Mikey: "Anytime someone predicts the end of the world, that date comes around and there's an awkward pause, then they go, 'Erm... never mind'. Remember Y2K?  That was supposed to be the end of the American society and that hasn't happened."

Frank: "I don't know - shit sucks at the moment."

Gerard: "Perhaps Y2K was this long drawn-out thing and no-one realised. We're all being digitally pirated as we speak."

Frank: "Maybe all Y2K meant was that everybody was going to get famous."

Gerard: "You're totally right: the actual end of the world will come the moment everyone is famous."

  • Are you aware of Frerard - and have you ever read any of the Gerard and Frank fanfic?
From: Ellie, Slovakia

Gerard: "I'm aware of it but, God no. I've never read it. That's some really scary stuff."

Ray: "I do: I go into the bathroom, lock the door and read some fanfic."

Gerard: "Actually, the whole thing with me and Frank doing stuff onstage together was really just to irritate people, but people started getting into it, so we stopped."

Frank: "You'd see these quintessential jock dudes beating each other up to our music and you'd think, 'Wouldn't it be funny if they turned around and saw that they were beating each other up to us two kissing?'."

Gerard: "And it was funny for a brief period. If you boil down the DNA of My Chemical Romance, the base would be this: what do you want us to do - because we're going to do the opposite. I think I'm still trying to make my parents mad."

  • If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you choose?
From: Christina Cardwell, Northern Ireland

Gerard: "Smell - no question. Get it outta here, that's an easy one. Who needs smell?"

  • Did you really record a song in your underwear? If so, which one? I bet Vampire Money.
From: Lois Burgess, Via

Gerard: "I wore short shorts for some of the recordings. To be honest, they were really short shorts. They were basically underwear, I suppose. But we were having a heat wave in LA: that's my justification! I did record You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison on Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge in my
underwear, but I don't think anybody would have wanted to have seen that."

  • If you were in a post-apocalyptic world where food was gone, who would you eat first? You can include the Kerrang! journalist.
From: Ciaran Treanor, Dublin

Gerard: "Sorry, Tom. I like you and all, but it's going to be you."

Frank: "Yup, it's you, Tom. I mean, Gerard and Mikey are brothers, so that's not going to happen. It would be a bit awkward if Ray or I were to go so, sorry , we're going to eat you, Tom."

  • On which My Chem song were you absolutely at the top of your game, recording and playing-wise?
From: Ed, Southhampton

Ray: "I think Vampire Money is one. We recorded that entire song live, except for a couple of vocal overdubs. We wrote it that morning, played it, then put it on the record."

Frank: "Desert Song was another - it was really off the cuff. We were in the studio late one night and it was just us and an engineer. That kind of stuff is really fun. It always feels really good when all of us just go in and play, rather than tracking things individually."

  • Ray, how much of your Puerto Rican heritage has stayed with you? I can make a mean Coquito if you're ever in Dover.
From: Oswald Martinez, Dover

Ray: "Nice! Actually, I'm starting to learn how to cook some of my mom's recipes. I'm perfecting her rice and gandules, which is a staple Puerto Rican dish of rice, pigeon peas and ham. There's Pollo Guisado too, which is chicken stew, and is my favourite thing that my mom makes. I've been telling the other  guys that I'm going to serve it to them on tour. Maybe I should bring a travelling kitchen with me."

Frank: "That would be fucking awsome: we could have a cooking competition. In fact, instead of a support act, let's open our shows with a cookery contest."

  • Frank, you recently got 'BOOKW0RM' tattooed on your fingers, what are your favourite books to read and who's your favourite author?
From: Emma, Galway, Ireland

Gerard: "Really? (Peers at Frank's hands) God, it's imposible to keep track, (Frank links his fingers togueter to show his tatto) Oh, wow, look at those - they look like some kind of arcane symbol until you put them all together like that."

Frank: "My twins really love looking at them. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is an incredible book that I'm reading at the moment. I think Catcher In The Rye is my favourite book, though I love almost anything by J.D. Salinger. Books are like movies though, I have so many favourites, it varies according to my mood."

Gerard: "He's always reading - on planes, on the bus, in his bunk, wherever. I really envy it: he can just tune noise out and read in the middle of the chaos of an airport. I just can't do that."

Frank: "We all used to laugh at Gerard because he had these headphones that blocked out all sound. He called them his 'Shut the fuck ups'."

  • Ray, do you ever get people who just want to touch your (epic) hair?
From: Cat, Portsmouth

Ray: "Yes. And it's weird."

Gerard: "They approach, hang out, going, 'Can I just...' and, before they even get to the end of the question, they're already doing it.'"

Ray: "I don't get it at all. I'm not sure I can see the excitement in touching my hair."

Gerard: "Your hair is part of your mojo, man."

  • Gerard's getting on a bit now, does he keep dying his outlandish colours because he's actually gone grey?
From: J, London

Gerard: "I wish I'd gone grey - if I had, then I wouldn't have to keep dying it. Holy shit, a full head of silver hair would be cool. I want to be a silver fox."

Mikey: "Our grandfather had his hair colour until he was about 70 years old, so I don't think we'll ever go grey."

  • If you were all in a horror movie, which one of you is most likely to survive until the end and why?
From: Ella, Surrey

Mikey: "I'd be dead first. I've run through this scenario in my head before and I know I'd get it immediately. I wouldn't even have the chance to protect someone by giving up my life for them: I'd be gone too fast for that."

Ray: "Frank would survive the longest. He's scrappy."

Gerard: "You say that, but I think he'd do something like Vasquez in Aliens and let all monsters eat him so that he could pull a grenade on them and laugh. I think Mikey would live longest - he's the guy that everyone would want to see survive."

  • Can Gerard lick his nose?
From: Holly, Newcastle

Gerard: "Let's find out. (Tries to lick his nose) Nope."

  • Frank, do you enjoy coming up with extremely strange and unusual names when fans ask you to name things? I'm getting a bird next month would you name it? Thanks, dude.
From: Brianna, New Hampshire.

Frank: "Sure: Corn-nuts."

  • Which one of you most resembles Barbra Streisand?
From: Jess Roche, Wexford, Ireland

(Long pause as the band look at each other nonplussed)
Gerard: "Shall we leave it there?"

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