martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

My Chemical Romance's Frank Iero Designs Guitar for Charity [Rolling Stone]

My Chemical Romance guitarist Frank Iero has designed a six-string guitar for Epiphone called the Phant-o-matic. "I took the body from the Wilshire, I took the Anico Humbuckers out of the Les Paul, I put the Les Paul neck on it and headstock, changed the tuners around, and fucked a little bit with the electronics – and we made the Phant-o-matic," Iero tells Rolling Stone.

As a kid, Iero says he had his dream celebrity guitar, the Kurt Cobain-created Jag-Stang. But being approached by Epiphone to make his own model made Iero think about his family before any guitar legends. "Basically when given this opportunity the first thing that came to mind was my dad buying me my first guitar," he says. "And the reason I got into music was my grandfather and dads played drums and were in bands forever."

So, what did his dad say about the Frank Iero Phant-o-matic? "They were like, 'Are you serious? That’s crazy,'" he says. "My dad was super psyched." And to pay tribute to his family, Iero is turning the venture into a philanthropic endeavor. "About six years ago my family was affected by multiple sclerosis and that was the first thing that came to mind. The only reason I would be doing this is because of my family, so why not give back?" he says, adding that Epiphone is matching every dollar he gives to MS.

Designing guitars hasn't been his only recent burst of creativity. He says MCR have been very inspired of late as well. "Whether it be writing a new My Chem record or working on a different kind of project, there are a couple of things that are coming in the works," he says. "But I definitely see new music coming out or at least being worked on throughout the rest of this year and hopefully maybe something coming out by summer."

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas, NV, USA - 7/10 [Setlist]

  1. Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) 
  2. I'm not OK (I promise)
  3. Planetary (GO!) 
  4. The Only Hope For Me Is You
  5. Mama
  6. Helena
  7. Our Lady Of Sorrows
  8. Teenagers
  9. S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
  10. Famous Last Words
  11. Welcome To The Black Parade
  12. Cancer

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

#MCR: "El Fan fiction es vil"

My Chemical Romance ha calificado al fanfiction escrito sobre ellos como 'vil'.

Hablando en la entrevista en vídeo que se puede ver arriba Gerard y Mikey Way admitieron haber leído algo de fan fiction, pero no les gustó lo que vieron. Cuando se les preguntó si alguna vez habían leído Mikey Way dijo: "Sólo he leído una y era vil me prometí que nunca vería algo así otra vez. Siempre cuentan una historia, pero siempre tiene que estar el erotismo?..." Mientras tanto, se le preguntó a Gerard por qué había decidido teñirse el pelo de rojo, el dijo que "no quería conformarse con la cultura rock de los 30-algo" Y agregó: "Quería volver a donde yo estaba cuando era un niño en secundaria y en la escuela de arte, cuando estaba descubriendo cosas y rebelándome contra otras cosas. (y pensé) No llegaremos a salir en ciertas revistas porque no estamos conforme a una cierta idea de "hermosura". En otra entrevista, que se puede ver abajo, la banda reveló que invitarían a The Vaccines a una fiesta si ellos tuvieran una. Gerard dijo que el cuarteto de West London serian sus citas ideales para cenar. Contestando a preguntas enviadas por otras bandas, Gerard respondió a la pregunta: "Quienes serian sus invitados definitivos (máximos, es decir, de grandiosos, no sabia como traducir) a una fiesta?", dijo: "Precederé a decir The Vaccines, si tuvieramos una fiesta invitaríamos a The Vaccines."
Fuente: NME

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Frank Iero Discovers Blink 182

Frank Iero talks about the first time he heard and discovered Blink 182. 


This video is part of a contest going on over at

So, in the other hand, Mark tells how he first heard of My Chemical Romance. 


domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Kerrang! Edicion Especial - My Chemical Romance Historia Fotografica

Especial de la revista Kerrang! en la que ofrece 25 posters, 2 posters gigantes y 26 stickers con la historia fotografica de My Chemical Romance.

Fuente: MCRmyCusco